Vinyl Graphics

- Sporting Events: Tournament and Sponsorship Banners.
These vinyl banner signs are ideal when wanting to sponsor a sporting event or using the vinyl banner as an advertising or promotional tool.
- Trade shows: Vinyl lettered banners for trade show displays.
Custom vinyl banners are commonly used for trade show events. These vinyl banners can be rolled and packaged for easy shipping and display setup. Our eye-catching vinyl banners are great for informing your customer of who your are and what products and services you provide.
- Retail Advertising: Vinyl banner signs for retail advertising
Need to advertise? Vinyl banners are great for advertising a new product, announcing an upcoming event, or displaying promotional advertising to a prospective customer.
- Information Banners: Now Hiring, New Ownership or Management
We carry a variety of generic worded vinyl banners. If our generic worded vinyl banners don't meet your needs, we will custom letter a vinyl banner sign with any type of wording you desire.
- Team Sports: Soccer, Baseball, Basketball, etc.
Need to cheer for a team? Vinyl banners are commonly used for displaying the team name and/or the team players. Vinyl banners are rugged, weather proof and great for outdoor events.
- Community Events: Fair, Carnival, or Community Programs.
Banner signs for big events require big advertising. Large outdoor vinyl banners can be made at virtually any size. Let people know what, who, when, and where and they'll show up. Promoting your event using large vinyl banners offers more "bang for the buck" than almost any other form of advertising.
- Church banners & School banners: School and church events.
There is always something new going on at churches and schools. Vinyl lettered banners are the ideal way to announce upcoming events for churches, schools or other social activities.
Our signs are made of a waterproof corrugated plastic that comes in many sizes and colors; however our biggest seller is the 18 inch tall x 24 inch wide sign. The lettering for the signs is machine-cut vinyl graphics that have a rating of 6 years. Palomar's premium vinyl graphics are more durable than screen printed ink and will not fade over time in order to keep your message in front of your customer.